Budget Transfer Printing & Bindery
3400 Castille Drive
Snellville, GA 30039
Phone: 770-498-2066
Toll Free: 888-651-8074
Fax: 770-498-2067
Email: budgettransfer@gmail.com

Directions: From Atlanta, take I285 to Hwy 78 (Snellville); go to West Park Place, the exit immediately after Stone Mountain Park. Make a right at end of ramp, continue to the light at Rockbridge Road (second light). Veer to the right and continue up Rockbridge / Annistown for 4 miles. Watch for a Shell station on right, turn right on sencond street after Shell (Castille Drive) Turn right and come to 7th house on the left - blue house, big black mail box.
From Lawrenceville/Loganville - take Highway 124 towards Lithonia. Approximately 4 miles from intersection of 124 and 78, at Walmart turn right on Annistown Road, come to 3rd possible left hand turn, Castille, come to 7th house on left, big black mail box. |
